Comments on: How to Clean and Season Cast Iron Cookware Real Food, From Scratch Wed, 09 Feb 2022 14:04:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Markus Mueller Thu, 29 Sep 2016 22:16:32 +0000 In reply to Bernice Hill.

Bernice if the wok is brand new it will most likely come pre-seasoned. If you use it and it seems none stick you are likely good to go..if it has some kind of coating like Teflon this method will not work as the high heat will break down the Teflon.
If things start sticking to the pan after the first one or two uses..wash the pan till it's clean and then over a medium heat, heat oil in it making sure all cooking surfaces are coated with oil. Swish the pan occasionally to keep the sides of the wok coated You will need to be careful the oil does not catch fire spontaneously. You will want to heat the oil in the pan for atleast 20 to 30 minutes on the stove top.
And finally as always when using any kind of pan on the stove make sure the pan is hot and the oil smoking hot before adding food..over time this process of heating the oil before adding your food will slowly build a seasoned surface.

By: Bernice Hill Thu, 29 Sep 2016 15:44:42 +0000 Great tips! I've never heard of using the potato. did you season the pot in the first place? I recently tried and failed to season a new carbon steel wok. I get conflicting comments that I should 1) start from scratch and re do it and 2)Just keep on seasoning it and eventually it will get there. I used some videos on youtube but they didn't work out for me.

By: Kristy @ She Eats Thu, 29 Sep 2016 00:37:56 +0000 Oh Markus - thanks for the refresher! Sometimes I get lazy and use soap (eek) on my cast iron pans and I appreciate the tips. Always great 🙂

By: Julia Wed, 28 Sep 2016 17:10:59 +0000 When we grew up, we only had cast iron pots and pans in the house. After cleaning them for years, I vowed that I would never EVER own one! Guess what? I have one, only one, and I love it! I am looking into getting more as they are fantastic. Great post, thanks for sharing all your tips!

By: Tiffany Mayer Wed, 28 Sep 2016 17:04:52 +0000 I like that you are one of the few not afraid of using water on your cast iron. I always use a bit of soap, despite conventional wisdom. I just have to season more often but as a bacteria-phobe, it puts my mind at ease and helps eliminate some of the strong flavours in a skillet that might "contaminate" another dish.
